About Us
CMAI has taken the latest initiative of promoting Center for Appropriate Technologies (CFAT) to objectively address Technology deployment issues essential for sustained and inclusive growth of the country. The center acts as a Think-Tank by co-opting leading domestic and global professionals and suggests Appropriate Technology Platform for meeting social and economic aspirations of the people across the country. CFAT strives to undertake following tasks with a missionary zeal:
Raise relevant social issues and offer possible solutions by deployment of modern Technology.
Identify and promote the application of “ Appropriate Technologies” in the country, after fac-
toring environmental, ethical, cultural, social, political and economic aspects of the targeted
community it intends to serve.
Inculcate culture of Corporate Social Responsibility in Private Sector work out jointly with
them for a mechanism of Social Auditing.
Harness Technology for equitable, Inclusive and sustainable growth across all the segments of
the society. Bridge the Digital divide between urban and rural environment.